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About Klass Studio


Edtech, a portmanteau of the phrase “education technology,” is the combination of IT tools and educational practices aimed at facilitating and enhancing learning. It refers to hardware and software designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve students education outcomes.
Edtech is still in the early stages of its development, but it shows promise as a method of customizing curriculum for a student’s ability level by introducing and reinforcing new content at a ace the student can handle.

“Edtech is the practice of pairing tech with traditional educational methods to enhance learning experiences.”

Klass Studio, an Edtech start-up, an initiative of Thira Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd., involves IT tools into the classroom to create a more engaging, inclusive and individualized learning experience.

Klass Studio

Most schools, teachers and parents realize that the basic requirement for uninterrupted / sustained education for children during this unprecedented period of a global pandemic is being connected trough technology. Technologies therefore have undoubtedly emerged as key enablers of digital learning, especially in the past few months of lockdown and social distancing in India. However, this transition from classrooms to the online world of learning has not been as easy as even today, most students, teachers and parents find it extremely difficult to get through the basic purpose of learning.

This may be either due to technology challenges like poor network connectivity, frequent power cuts, poor streaming of videos, missed classes, delayed entry to class, or maybe due to language barrier of less engaging content, there is an increasing need to address the discomfort and build the confidence of students, parents and teachers to facilitate smooth integration of technology into their daily lives for the purpose of learning and teaching.

Why Klass Studio?

Klass studio is a solution to technology challenges like poor network connectivity, frequent power cuts, poor streaming of videos, missed classes, delayed entry to class, or maybe due to language barrier of less engaging content.
  • There is an increasing need to address the discomfort and build the confidence of students, parents and teachers to facilitate smooth integration of technology into their daily lives for the purpose of learning and teaching.
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Klass studio aims to introduce master delivering live classes from high-end studios using the best technology and an assistant teacher present physically in the classroom or with students, encouraging students to involve in learning, conceptual understanding and to make learning a lot more fun. THus, helping all stakeholders in the education sector shun the fear of tech.
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There's at least one thing on which we all agree when it comes to the future of education: "blended learning." A mix of in person traditional and independent work with technology, it is most effectively implemented by tech-savvy teachers who ensure that technology serves academics and not vice versa.
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